Mr. Hossein Javadi

Mr. Hossein Javadi
In the name of God”“
Shareholders, members of the Board, dear Colleagues, now that I success to work in the Iranian lead and zinc production and development company, I am committed as the thanksgiving of the blessings of God and with the help of God, experience the Board of Directors and capabilities of honest and diligent colleagues apply all abilities and experience of mine in this industry to be able to meet the responsibilities vested in the path of progress and development of our company.
Obviously this only possible by creating a dynamic and relaxed environment for colleagues, use all of the resources, strengthening the monitoring and control facilities, rule of law, scientific approach to customer contact, interaction with the audience, creativity and innovation, meritocracy, financial transparency and information.
In this regard, we must try, according to the needs and interests of customers and standards of international markets quality and quantity of products to promote.
Finally, I expect all partners, laboriously and principles and beliefs, integrity and good morals to participate in achieving the goals.